
Posts Tagged ‘stats’

Another quote from Jake on “Touch” – April 26 episode:

Numbers are constant, until they’re not. Our inability to influence outcome is the great equalizer; makes the world fair. Computers generate random numbers in an attempt to glean meaning out of probability. Endless numerical sequences lacking any pattern. But during a cataclysmic global event: tsunami, earthquake, the attacks of 911 – these random numbers suddenly stop being random. As our collective consciousness synchronizes, so do the numbers. Science can’t explain the phenomenon, but religion does, it’s called prayer. A collective request sent up in unison, shared hope. Numbers are constant, until they’re not.

During cataclysmic global events, our collective consciousness synchronizes. So do of the numeric sequences created by random number generators. Science can’t explain the phenomenon, but religion does, it’s called prayer. A collective request, sent up in unison, a shared hope, a fear relieved, a life spared. Numbers are constant…until they’re not.

In times of tragedy. Times of collective joy. In these brief moments, it is only the shared emotional experience that makes the world seem less random. Maybe it’s coincidence. Or maybe it’s an answer to our prayers.

Wow, so how fitting I am watching this tonight, after spending time with a numerologist named Joseph Ghabi in Vancouver. The episodes normally make me cry, but tonight, their focus on love really got me.


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